
Additional speakers and timetable to be announced! Japan's top leaders gatheredーalt Conference 2024, “The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans: Change or Slavery?”
A heated discussion with Heizo Takenaka, NVIDIA, Deloitte Tohmatsu, and Keyence about “What’s next after generative AI”

alt Inc. (, the Japan-based developer and distributor of Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.®️) and AI clone technology (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura) will hold its free alt Conference 2024 on Thursday, March 28, from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. at Bellesalle Tokyo Nihonbashi. 

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Tomohiro Tsuge, manager of the data analytics business group at Keyence Corporation; Mr. Yuan Xiao Hang, venture partner・CSO, Skyland Ventures; and Mr. Masafumi Asakura, co-founder and president, Final Aim, Inc., will be among the guests at the conference sessions. (



The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans : Change or Slavery?


This event, titled "The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans: Change or Slavery?" will discuss what technology should be like and how our economy should evolve in the face of the reassessment of human value itself brought about by the rise of generative AI.


Several special guests have already confirmed their participation, and we will also welcome three guestsーMr. Tomohiro Tsuge, manager of the data analytics business group at Keyence Corporation, a comprehensive manufacturer of factory automation; Mr. Yuan Xiao Hang, venture partner・CSO, Skyland Ventures, a venture capital fund that focuses on seed startup investments; and Mr. Masafumi Asakura, co-founder and president, Final Aim, Inc., a startup that uses smart contract technology to solve problems in the design and manufacturing industries. We look forward to hearing how these companies are providing innovative businesses to society.


We will discuss the theme of this conference, Zero Impact—a world without the need for people—which is now beginning to be built through the rise of generative AI; what benefits this will bring to us and what the future of technology and the economy should look like; and what strategies Japanese companies and society, which are falling behind GAFAM in terms of capital and development power, should adopt.


At the opening of the conference, alt CEO Yonekura will present an in-depth look at the creation of a work environment in which people are no longer needed and its infinite possibilities. In addition, innovative new services will be presented, focusing on the role AI will play in the labor market of the future and the creation of new value for humanity.


Following this, a variety of guest speakers will discuss topics such as GenAI to PAI, “human capital management” judges with AI, the illness and cure of Japan’s DX, CloneM&A, the next generation of sales, next-generation sales models utilizing AI, and people quietly changing the world of AI. 


The conference will offer alt's innovative approaches to the topic of Zero Impact from a wide range of perspectives, not only to business owners, sales, consultants, and engineers but also to anyone interested in enhancing business competitiveness, discovering new business models, and responding to market needs.


Please join us as a party of this era for a day of exciting discussion on how humanity, Japan, the economy, and business will be transformed by the disruptive technology of generative AI. 



【Overview of the alt Conference 2024】

Title:alt Conference 2024: The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans: Change or Slavery?

Date:Thursday, March 28, 15:00-18:30

                Reception will be held after the closing session.

Venue:Bellesalle Tokyo Nihonbashi

               Tokyo Nihonbashi Tower B2, 2-7-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-6005

Access:Directly connected to Nihonbashi Station Exit B6 (Ginza, Tozai, & Asakusa Lines)


To register, please visit

There are only a few seats left, so please register soon!



【Guest Profile】

Tomohiro Tsuge, manager of the data analytics business group, Keyence Corporation

After joining Keyence as a new graduate, Mr. Tsuge worked in consulting sales and human resources recruitment, and has been engaged in marketing, sales promotion, and sales promotion activities that fully utilize data for over 10 years. Currently, he is widely deploying the Data Analysis Platform KI, developed based on data utilization know-how, the source of Keyence's high profitability. He has given numerous lectures at events across Japan.


Yuan Xiao Hang, venture partner・CSO, Skyland Ventures

Born in Shanghai, Mr. Hang graduated from Kyoto University and Nagoya University Graduate School.

Since the 2000s, he has been active in Chinese venture capital. Mr. Hang joined Skyland Ventures in 2019 and currently oversees web3 as Skyland VenturesGP.


Masafumi Asakura, co-founder and president, Final Aim, Inc.

Final Aim, Inc. (headquarters: USA / branch: Japan) promotes smart contract technology to address corporate intellectual property rights issues in the use of generative AI. Mr. Asakura provides a system to ensure authenticity mainly in the design and manufacturing industry. In 2022, he was selected for the Accelerator Berkeley SkyDeck of UC Berkeley in the U.S. and "Most Likely to Become the Next Unicorn." He was featured in Stanford University’s Innovation Showcase in 2023.



[ Timetable for alt Conference 2023 ]


Zero Impact: A world without the need for people

Kazutaka Yonekura, CEO, alt Inc. x Saya Ichikawa

Under the theme of Zero Impact—a world without the need for people—Yonekura will delve deeply into the creation and unlimited possibilities of a work environment in which people are no longer needed. In addition, the following innovative new services will be presented, focusing on the role AI will play in the future labor market and the creation of new value for humanity.


■ alt personal agent:

 An automated operation system based on a general-purpose LLM (large language model).

 This service automates and improves the efficiency of daily operations.


■ Clone matching (HR):

 A next-generation, LLM-powered matching system.

 By incorporating qualitative information that has not been taken into account in the past, the system can respond to complex needs in the HR domain.


■ Avatar interactive automatic HR system by altBRAIN:

 This system enables the AI (Brain) to autonomously perform everything from lead acquisition to the first interview, driving improved efficiency and quality in the recruitment process.


The presentation will also provide concrete examples of how the proactive use of AI technology is the turning point for companies to become the winners of the future. We will discuss with our audience the pivotal choice every business must make now: to ride the wave of technological innovation or to forgo it.



GenAI to PAI

Yoshikazu Nishimura, CTO, alt Inc.

What comes next after GenAI: I will discuss alt's vision of the future from a technological perspective. I’ll also talk about the future horizon of GenAI, from responsive to autonomous and from general to personalized.



“Human capital management” judges with AI

Yusuke Hioki, Director and CFO, alt Inc.

Examining human resources displaced by AI vs. human resources that continue to create value.

Imagining the world 30 or 100 years from now, what does essential "human capital management" (maximizing the value of human resources) mean? I will explore the optimal direction that society, companies, and individuals should aim for by judging some prevalent misconceptions with the help of AI.



Special conversation (panel discussion)

What’s next after generative AI

Takahiro Ikushima x Kentaro Inui x Yoshikazu Nishimura

■Kentaro Inui, Professor, Tohoku University, Graduate School of Information Science, Department of Systems and Information Science, Department of Intelligent Information Science, Department of Natural Language Processing

■Takahiro Ikushima, Mathematical Science Advanced Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.

■Yoshikazu Nishimura, CTO, alt Inc.



The illness and cure of Japan’s DX

Junki Komura, AI/DX Consultant Principal and Business Development Manager, alt Inc.

Digital clones create labor production and accompany and support people. People add unique value.

alt can provide AI/DX solutions that are not traditional coping strategies, but cause-oriented. This program will include the results of alt's own research and will include a demonstration of one of our solutions.



The beginning of the clone business

Katsuya Asai, General Manager, AI Solutions Division, alt Inc.

Strategic implementation of AI brings significant added value to companies. An optimal AI strategy comes with benefits in many aspects, such as increased efficiency, faster decision-making, and improved customer experience, and is a key component to overall organizational growth and competitiveness. At alt, we create innovative initiatives to enhance the competitiveness of client businesses, discover new business models, and provide products and services that meet the needs of the market. We will introduce you to our clients with examples of actual initiatives.



Special conversation (panel discussion)

To be alt a trillion-yen AI companyーInability to produce GAFAM, Japan's specific countermeasure method

■Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University

■Masaya Mori, Executive Officer, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting

■Takeshi Isaki, General Manager, Enterprise Business Division, NVIDIA Corporation

■Yusuke Hioki, Director and CFO, alt Inc.



–CloneM&A– Ending the M&A market pain

Masataka Inoue, AI M&A Managing Director, alt Inc.

The M&A intermediary industry is booming at a time when the lack of successors for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their closure from profitability have been defined as pressing national issues.

Although it attracts attention from the stock market as a 20 trillion yen industry, it is in fact extremely labor intensive and does not reach the many SMEs that need M&A services.

The CloneM&A developed by alt will lead to a fundamental solution to this social problem. I will introduce alt's cutting-edge technology that will light up the future of SMEs with a demonstration.



Special conversation (panel discussion)

The next generation of sales

■Tomohiro Tsuge, manager of the data analytics business group, Keyence Corporation

■Fumiya Hosaka, AE Manager, AI SaaS Division, alt Inc.

■Special guest from Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd.



Next-generation sales models using AI: the end of the sales force–like SaaS business

Fumiya Hosaka, AE Manager, AI SaaS Division, alt Inc.

This presentation will introduce the de facto standard for next-generation sales models utilizing AI.

In Japan, where the working population is expected to decline in the future, how do we reduce the workforce and secure the sales force that will be the starting point of management and planning by working together with AI? And how do we horizontally deploy the know-how of top salespeople? Here are some answers from alt.



Special conversation (panel discussion)

ーNext Blockchainー

Transition from idealism to realism

Yuan Xiao Hang, venture partner・CSO, Skyland Ventures

Masafumi Asakura, co-founder and president, Final Aim, Inc.

■Yoshikazu Nishimura, CTO, alt Inc.



People quietly changing the world of AI

Yuta Hitomi, AI lead engineer, R&D Division, alt Inc.

In this session, I will introduce companies that are finding ways to get along well with foundational models in an environment of LLM model development dominated by big tech, and are seeking to apply foundational models and develop peripheral technologies. Through their strategic initiatives and technological approaches, we will explore new developments in the field of AI.



■About alt Inc.

Established in November 2014, alt Inc. is a venture firm with the mission of freeing humankind from non-creative/unproductive labor through the creation of P.A.I.®️ (Personal Artificial Intelligence) and AI clones. We also develop and provide SaaS products such as AI GIJIROKU, which utilizes speech recognition technology born from the development of AI dialogue engines. As of September 2023, our cumulative funding has reached over 8 billion yen.



<Media Inquiries to:>

Misako Nishizawa (Media Relations)



<For inquiries about the event>
alt Conference 2024 Secretariat