
alt Inc. joins Para Sports Promotion Network as a supporting member

alt Inc.(, a Japan based developer of AI Clone and Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.®️) (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura), agrees with the purpose of the activities of the Para Sports Promotion Network (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Naoko Takahashi; hereinafter "ParaNet"), and has joined as a supporting member.



Para-Sports Promotion Network (ParaNet) aims to improve the value of para-sport by connecting with others who share the values of para-sport and leveraging its network for the realization of a more inclusive society.


alt has decided to become a supporting member of ParaNet because we share its vision and wish to contribute to the development of para-sport. With this membership, we look forward to continuing to support ParaNet as they work to build a society where para-sports thrive.


We will continue to fulfill our social responsibility by actively participating in efforts to build a better and more sustainable society based on the SDG principle of "leave no one behind."


■ About Para Sports Promotion Network, a general incorporated association

Established in November 2018, ParaNet connects athletic organizations, supporting members, media members, and various stakeholders to provide multifaceted support for the revitalization of para-sports as a whole.


Right: Ms. Naoko Takahashi, Chairman of the Board; Left: Ms. Kuniko Ohigata, Vice Chairman



■ About alt Inc.

Founded in November 2014, alt is a venture company that "aims to free people from unproductive labor" by creating P.A.I.®️ (Personal Artificial Intelligence) and AI clones. We also develop and provide SaaS products such as AI GIJIROKU, which utilizes speech recognition technology derived from the development of AI dialogue engines. 3.5 billion yen was raised in a Series D funding round in June 2022, bringing our total amount raised to 6.2 billion yen.



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Misako Nishizawa (Media Relations)