Message from Top Management

CEO Kazutaka Yonekura For the future of humanity
to become greater

alt, Inc. maximizes the potential and value of people in the present and future through the development and dissemination of human augmentation technology P.A.I.® (Personal Artificial Intelligence).

P.A.I.® allows humans to explore their own knowledge and values while living their lives to the fullest for their own ideals. At the core of this technology is a commitment to the freedom and dignity for all individuals.

In modern society, the time and potential of most people are consumed, exploited, and lost in the name of labor.

At alt Inc., we combine personal data technology to safely and permanently store life log data, or memories, with digital cloning technology to recreate the user’s consciousness and reuse it in the digital world.

As a result, P.A.I.® represents a pivotal shift in the concept of labor, which has historically been the selling of humanity’s time and energy. Today, we can delegate non-creative and non-productive tasks to P.A.I.®, allowing us to focus on activities that maximize our personal value.

Moreover, powerful corporations and countries are working to develop an AI with knowledge that exceeds the entire wisdom of humanity. Throughout history, there have been times when powerful people and religious authorities were considered the absolute authority and as the only truth, leading to various social issues such as wars have arisen. Similarly, there is a possibility that an omniscient and omnipotent AI will come to dominate our era as the new ‘truth’, potentially causing humanity to lose sight of the value of each individual and the power of knowledge, ultimately giving up on independent thought and innovation.

However, the pursuit of knowledge is a basic right of human beings and also the greatest joy.
As symbolized by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates' maxim "γνῶθι σεαυτόν (know yourself)," the love and pursuit of knowledge is the essence of being human.

As the name suggests, our P.A.I.® is designed to be the ultimate AI for each individual, offering a powerful means to counter the omnipotent AI that may try to dominate us. Human history proves that reformers are essential in the evolution of humanity.

Our technology supports the birth of these innovators, and will be the foundation for a greater humanity in the future.

A human society empowered by the technology of P.A.I.® will be freed from replaceable, mundane labor, enabling the majority to confront fundamental issues such as hunger, poverty, and environmental sustainability.

Affirming, recording, and making all human activities reproducible in the future—this, to us at alt, Inc. is a hymn to life, and a profound act of resistance against any dominant technologies that seek to undermine it.

October 11th, 2024

CEOKazutaka Yonekura