
Alt to Collaborate with APTO Corporation's Annotation Platform

Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.) developer Alt Inc. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura), has started a collaboration with APTO Corporation (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Ryo High; hereinafter "APTO") in the annotation platform business. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Ryo Hioki; hereinafter "APTO") in the annotation platform business.


At Alt, we are developing a range of products based on digital cloning technology, and one of the most important tasks is the annotation of training data. Annotation is always a bottleneck in artificial intelligence research and development because of the enormous amount and quality of the data that needs to be annotated.


APTO, which is now collaborating with Alt, solves this problem by connecting a large number of cloud workers and companies through a sophisticated proprietary platform.


APTO's platform enables massively parallel processing by dividing the task of annotation among a large number of workers through a smartphone application. This is an important service not only for  Alt, but also for all companies that utilize 


By connecting Alt's Alt ID and APTO's harBest platform, we will be able to meet the annotation demands of Alt's service customers and third-party companies that provide AI-related products, and help accelerate the growth rate of the AI market. We look forward to working with you.


Alt Clone Conference 3 will be held!
>> To attend, please fill out the registration form below! <<


【Date】 Wednesday, July 21, 13:00 - 16:00 (may be extended)

【Outline】 Clone Conference 3 - Excursions

【Cost】 Free

The event will be broadcasted simultaneously via Zoom and YouTube Live.

【Deadline for registration】 Tuesday, July 20, 15:00

The event will be broadcast simultaneously on Zoom and YouTube Live.

     >> < <


--- About Us ---
Company name : Alt Inc.
Website :
Address: 9F SENQ Roppongi,Shin-Roppongi bldg. 7-15-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Kazutaka Yonekura, CEO
Establishment : November 2014
Business description : Development and provision of P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence).


■ APTO Corporation

Company name : APTO Co.


Location : Room 403, Mifune Bldg. 4F, 1-5-14 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Representative: Ryo Hijiri, Representative Director

Establishment : January 2020

Business description : Operation of AI learning data platform "harBest

Service URL:


P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) is an AI that aims to digitize our own narrative and place it in the cloud to perform all digital tasks.

"P.A.I." is a registered trademark of alt.
Concept movie of P.A.I. :



--- Our AI solutions (Partial)---
◆Inquiries for our AI solutions

◆AI GIJIROKU (AI Minutes)" official website:

◆The world's first AI clone questionnaire "Nulltitude" official website

◆"NeoRMR" Operator AI Support System official website

◆"AI TSUYAKU (AI Interpreter)" official website

◆"AI Call Center" Official Website

◆"AI Moderator" official website




<For inquiries regarding the press and media>    
Public Relations representative : Misako Nishizawa
Phone : +81-3-6380-7076


<For inquiries regarding the event>    
Public Relations representative : Asai
Phone : +81-3-6380-7076