
alt Inc. Receives International Standard Certification for Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.) developer alt Inc.( (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura), has acquired ISO/IEC27001 certification, the international standard for information security management systems (hereinafter "ISMS").




Background of alt's Acquisition of ISMS Certification, an International Standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)


Today's companies, organizations, and individuals face a variety of risks, such as leakage of confidential information, malfunction or shutdown of information systems, falsification of websites, and virus infection, in exchange for the increased convenience that comes with the sophistication of the information society. The realization of such risks can cause not only economic damage to companies, but also serious damage such as loss of brand image, trust, and customers.


alt considers information security management to be one of its most important management issues and has now acquired ISO/IEC27001*2 certification, an international standard for ISMS. The acquisition of this certification confirms that alt's system for proper management and effective utilization of various types of information is functioning properly and we will continue to maintain and strengthen our information security management.



Outline of ISMS Certification

Certification Registration Number : IS 757695

Registered Organization: alt Inc.

Scope of registration : Research, planning, development, operation and maintenance of business support systems using cloud-based AI (artificial intelligence).
Development, operation and maintenance (interpretation, minute taking, call center support, image processing, data mining)

Applicable standard : JIS Q 27001:2014 (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

Registration Date : November 24, 2021

Effective period :November 24, 2021 ~ November 23, 2024

Certification and registration organization : BSI Group Japan K.K.

About ISO 27001 certification:



■ alt Inc.

Through the research and development of "alt", a P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) based on digital cloning technology, we aim to create the first autonomous society in the history of mankind, in which our daily lives themselves become assets that continue to create lasting value, and in which we can govern ourselves based on our own assessment.


Company name : alt Inc.
Website :
Address: 809 SENQ Roppongi,Shin-Roppongi bldg. 7-15-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Kazutaka Yonekura, CEO
Establishment : November 2014
Business description : Development and provision of P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence).


※1 P.A.I.
P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) is an AI that aims to digitize our own narrative and place it in the cloud to perform all digital tasks.

"P.A.I." is a registered trademark of alt.
Concept movie of P.A.I. :


※2 What is ISO/IEC27001?
ISO/IEC27001 is an international standard issued by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It defines requirements for companies to enhance the value of information assets through balanced management of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.



--- Our AI solutions (Partial) ---

◆Inquiries for our AI solutions

◆AI GIJIROKU (AI Minutes)" official website

◆"AI GIJIROKU (AI Minutes)" Business Plan official Website

◆The world's first AI clone questionnaire "Nulltitude" official website

◆"NeoRMR" Operator AI Support System official website

◆"AI TSUYAKU (AI Interpreter)" official website

◆"AI Call Center" official Website

◆"AI Moderator" official website

◆"AI Translation" official website

◆“Linguacode.AI” (International version of "AI Translation") official website


<For inquiries regarding the press and media>    
Public Relations representative : Misako Nishizawa
TEL: +81-3-6380-7076