Saturday, March 2 22:00 JST: TV Asahi "Hasshin! Mirai Creator" Vol. 8
Yonekura will appear in the television special program, “AI Has Come This Far”
alt Conference 2024, “The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans: Change or Slavery?” to feature Heizo Takenaka on stage!
~Kentaro Inui, professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tohoku University; Takahiro Ikushima, Mathematical Science Advanced Technology Laboratory; and other distinguished guests to participate~
alt Inc. aims to create 50 million AI clones by 2030 to accelerate the transition of current work to AI
~Reinforcing the workforce with AI clones to achieve Japan's GDP goal of $10 trillion~
alt Inc. releases the highly anticipated mobile app version of its no-code generative AI platform altBRAIN!
~Bring BRAIN to the palm of your hand. Your AI clone and BRAIN become even closer to you and make your daily life smarter.~
alt Inc. begins world's first proof of concept using clone matching in the medical x HR field with M3 Career
~Utilizing a large language model (LLM) to mediate between cloned job seekers and job listings via an AI agent~
alt Inc. to host alt Conference 2024, “The Shock of ZERO – AI and Humans : Change or Slavery?” on Thursday, March 28
~A day of stimulating discussion on the new era of technology and economics created by AI~
alt Inc. becomes world’s first company to pay salaries to employees’ AI clones
~Revolutionizing labor and compensation with generative AI–based clones, setting a new standard for productivity improvement and economic benefits~
alt Inc. selected in Nikkei XTREND's 100 Companies Creating the Future Market
alt Inc. begins collaboration with Deloitte Tohmatsu on social implementation of generative AI
~Specialists in both AI development and customer issue resolution carefully and reliably support the utilization of generated AI in financial institutions~
alt Inc. and Tokyo Shoseki begin proof of concept for AI Learning Assistants utilizing large language models
~Developing a new learning service with expertise and personality, utilizing generative AI as a platform for future learning~