Mr. Yonekura, CEO was introduced as the "know-it-all President of AI" on the ABC Broadcasting, “The Story of A of “Ameagari” - We asked know-it-all about it"
Invited Takuma Sato from JINS MEME Developer RelationsJINS MEME and hosted the 2nd "Future of AI × IoT Vol. 2" IoT study group
To Participate in the 23rd “Annual NLP” Conference from March 13, 2017 (Monday) - March 17 (Friday) As a Platinum Sponsor
2017 New Year special edition of “Confidence” issued by ORICON ME which is renowned as an entertainment business magazine, “AI which changes the Future prospects of entertainment” featuring “al+”
Introduction of al+ in "Realization of immortality!? Evolution and risks of artificial intelligence" of “Know the changes for 2017! What will happen to Mr. Akira Ikegami? Journal”(Aired on 1 Jan 2017)
al+ invited Ryohei Sogo, Executive Officer of NC Design & Consulting Co., Ltd. as a speaker and held the IoT Study Group "Future of AI × IoT vol.1" collaborating with Switch Science Corporation
A 3D A.I. (under development) simulating our CEO’s characteristics featured on November 5, 2016 Morning Newspaper and Nikkei Electronic Edition "A.I. and the World - Used or Be Used Impartial Face of The New Manager" Article
Commencement of joint research on voice-cloning from a handful of human voice samples with Associate Professor Junichi Yamagishi of the National Institute of Informatics (NII)