alt Inc. has announced that its Vietnam Tech Labo relocated to a new location, 11th floor, Lucky Building, 81 Tran Thai Tong street, Hanoi, Vietnam and started operation on 16th July 2018. This is to further elevate its R&D capability and recruitment of AI engineers and researchers in Vietnam.
Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duc, Chief Representative of alt Vietnam, looks to magnify its presence in Hanoi, a fast growing center of software engineering and AI. He aims to make alt Vietnam an AI hub in Hanoi, first by actively hosting AI research and development meetups in the new lab to provide the community of AI researchers, developers and software engineers in Vietnam chances for exchanging ideas and bringing innovation in place.
Since the establishment of the Vietnam Tech Labo in 2016, its R&D team has achieved globally recognized research results on Natural Language Processing. It continues to recruit world-class AI engineers/researchers and thrives to further advance research and development of Artificial Intelligence primarily focusing on its Dialogue Engine project.

New alt Vietnam Tech Lab