We report that alt Inc. who develops P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) “alt”, has raised funds by implementing the Third-party allotment toward SBI Investment Co., Ltd. REGAIN GROUP, Inc. and TIS Inc.

With this funding, our company will continue to further strengthen its research and development system under the theme of P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) *1 and promote the hiring of personnel for speedy business expansion.

In addition, we will promote the development and commercialization of “alt Emeth*2”, which makes it is possible to secure a large-scale computing processing capacity for constructing personal data, and "alt Stack *3", a personal data storage platform. These are essential for implementing the vision of "one digital clone per person, for all mankind".

Moreover, we will advance the application of AI to business sites through developing “Altgo.com”. It is the world's largest artificial intelligence platform that leverages technologies developed by technology partners around the world, centered on a number of artificial intelligence engines including advanced natural language processing such as the dialog engine possessed by alt.

*1 P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) “alt" is an AI that aims to digitize our own intentions and place it on the cloud to make the clone do any digital work.

"P.A.I." is a registered trademark of alt.

*2 “alt Emeth” is a new decentralized architecture implemented by combining distributed computing technology and neural network technology, which networks the surplus capacity of PCs and servers scattered all over the world via the Internet. It is a distributed neural network foundation that enables to secure the large-scale computing power necessary for learning artificial intelligence.

Related News Release: https://dev-corporate-web.poc-dev.com/news/news-alt-meth/

*3 “alt Stack” is a distributed personal data storage platform for storing personal data securely and forever.

Related News Release: https://dev-corporate-web.poc-dev.com/news/news-stack/