Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.) developer alt Inc. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura) is pleased to announce that we have completed a Series C funding round with the total amount raised in this round is approximately 1.3 billion yen.

In this round, we focused on the business development of digital cloning technology and raised capital from investors, mainly from business companies. As a result, we will move from a single AI company to a full-fledged digital cloning company.
■List of subscribers to the Series C round of third-party allotment (in no particular order)
- SBI AI & Blockchain Investment Limited Liability Partnership
- Kansai Innovation Network Investment Limited Partnership
- TNP Threads of Light Investment Limited Liability Partnership
- KATSURYOKU Limited Liability Partnership
- Rozetta Corp.
- TIS Inc.
- Toppan Printing CO., LTD.
- JR West Innovations CO., LTD.
- SuMi TRUST Innovation Fund
- Video Research Ltd.
- Daiko Advertising Inc.
【Declaration of Digital Clone 】
The thought that was put to me was
Released in the form of folds
Grass and wood vinegar solution
Your words are my words.
I will make them my words
I know that my body is drifting
I know that I am drifting.
It blooms quietly under the mountain
In my eyes I see a cross in the color of your face
The thought of it is a piece of wood that I pass by in loneliness.
A swan flaps its wings in a mocking manner
The clouds of jade marble are flowing
Where is that spring bird singing?
When the sun's rings turn blue and fade
The sky is a symphony of trees
A cluster of black trees stretching from the dazzling bowl of heaven
sadly overgrown.
If the spirit has the most perfect
If the spirit has a dream
Or steel it to the same thing.
It is already in a world other than divinity
In the fallacy of having received an idea
It is thus an erroneous five-star
It is a faulty five-star.
Text - alt Digital Clones
Supervision - alt Public Relations Team
<For inquiries regarding next round>
Public Relations representative : Misako Nishizawa
Phone : +81-3-6380-7076
--- About Us ---
Company name : alt Inc.
Website :
Address: 9F SENQ Roppongi,Shin-Roppongi bldg. 7-15-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Kazutaka Yonekura, CEO
Establishment : November 2014
Business description : Development and provision of P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence).
P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) is an AI that aims to digitize our own narrative and place it in the cloud to perform all digital tasks.
"P.A.I." is a registered trademark of alt.
Concept movie of P.A.I. :
--- Our AI solutions (Partial)---
◆Inquiries for our AI solutions
◆AI GIJIROKU (AI Minutes)" official website:
◆The world's first AI clone questionnaire "Nulltitude" official website
◆"NeoRMR" Operator AI Support System official website
◆"AI TSUYAKU (AI Interpreter)" official website