Alt, Inc. which has developed ”al+”, the Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.) (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, CEO, Mr Kazutaka Yonekura) has released closed Beta-version of a chatbot creation GUI tool, “Al+ Bot Framework” (https://bfw.alt.aihereafter known as “BFW”) and an API set, “RMR” (Rewritable Memory based Retrieval,
With the use of these tools and API, creators and engineers can create more easily high quality chatbots.
The above mentioned tools will be made available to the limited 200 accounts which will be issued via pre-registration. We will be releasing it to the public once a sophisticated and stable version has been achieved through the knowledge accumulated based on the said limited users.
Al+ Bot Framework(BFW)とは
The BFW is a framework which enables users to create their own original chatbots easily even if they are not engineers, using a sophisticated GUI. You can readily implement a chatbot to your existing services and business systems as it is able to connect with external programs and databases using a callback function. Further, you can easily link external services such as LINE, Facebook and the like via our simple settings.
About RMR(Rewritable Memory based Retrival)
RMR is an API set which is equipped with an advanced intent interpretation engine which can absorb the differences in the input’s representation. We have prepared an API which is capable of handling questions and answers, and realize continuous conversations which takes into account of context. In this way, engineers will be able to call the API from their own programs. This said API can also be used from the BFW so users will be able to achieve delicate and advanced conversations.
Has Released a BOT Creation GUI Tool, the "Al+ Bot Framework" and an API Set, "RMR" Which Can Realize Advanced AI Communication Developments as a Closed Beta Version
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